This is your daily To-Do List Maker.
At first, you need to write down your 7 tasks.
When you're done, scroll down.
Make your To-Do List in the morning.
It needs to be your habit. Something you do automatically, before you start working.
Do 1 task at a time.
Practise mindfullness. Stay focused at one thing.
Write down your tasks, not goals.
Tasks are WHAT you do. Goals are WHY you do what you do. Write down your goals, too, but separately.
Don't scare yourself too often.
Of course, you need to get out of your comfort zone. But be wise when to do so.
Include something you love.
Your daily tasks are not just the ones you hate. Write down also the things you want to do.
Tick off what you've done already.
When you complete something, tick it off to show yourself you're moving forward.
Reward yourself.
Find the balance between being strict and kind.